Resto Shaman Best In Slot
Posted on by admin
We can't know if this list was an all-around BiS list, or the items that performed best in specific encounters. If you can think of a better way to display the many viable alternative pieces for each slot (and ideally, why one might choose them), I'm open to any suggestions to improve this document. Wow Resto Shaman Best In Slot Trinkets, perso tutto alla roulette, mong kok poker chips, casino mgm springfield-Wager. November 22, 2018.
- Resto Shaman Bis Icy
- Resto Shaman Best In Slot Gear
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Resto Shaman Bis Icy
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Best in Slot (BiS) Gear List. These are hand-crafted BiS lists that aim to maximize your characters' power by putting together the best combination of items. Our goal is to do the most complete research so you don't have to. Optional items are listed for every slot.
Comment by Gajzi
I noticed that in 'Best Raid Shards of Domination to Upgrade for Restoration Shaman' section 'Shard of Rev' is in 1st place and again in 2nd.Comment by Vadoreus
For raiding aren't you supposed to upgrade unholy shards first rather than throughput shards? I'm asking because according to this article upgrading the set bonus grants a huge buff to the already powerful bonus.Comment by Noxyll
It looks like you may have copy/pasted step 1. from the Best Shards to Upgrade sections from both M+ and Raiding. In the raiding section it duplicates Shard of Zed in 1. and 2. was that on purpose?Resto Shaman Best In Slot Gear
Comment by Lutti
Would be nice if this guide got updated with correct info (hence the other comments about which shards to upgrade etc) and some comments about the upcoming buffs to the frost set bonus (which 'should' technically be a healing set bonus, sort of :P ) and whether that will become better than the unholy set :) and if so, which shards to focus on for thatElemental Shaman Best In Slot
Comment by WaterGlaive
One thing the various guides on Wowhead keep skipping is the fact that the set bonuses are stupidly useful if you’re doing any Korthian content, especially grinding research or rep. Whether or not you focus on Mythics or raid, there is a default benefit to upgrading the set bonuses for solo play.Unless you literally only play mythics (and then, why are you worrying about this gear that you’ll never get), you really, really want to focus on upgrading the set bonus. It makes grinding the raids for upgrade mats smoother, it makes solo play smoother, and it’s more straightforward than juggling 5 different gems to upgrade for keys.